

The Magic of Film: Capturing Amie's Pregnancy on Kodak and Ilford Film

In a world where digital photography reigns supreme, it's easy to overlook the beauty of shooting on film. While digital photography offers convenience and flexibility, there's a unique feel to film images that simply can't be replicated. When shooting on film, the process is slower and more deliberate than shooting digitally. There's no instant gratification with film photography.

Recently, I had the pleasure of photographing Amie during her pregnancy with her second child. The images we captured were shot entirely on film and I think they look absolutely incredible! The organic feel and subtle tonal variations of film photos create a beautiful, dreamy aesthetic that perfectly captures the magic of pregnancy. Shooting on film also allowed us to be more deliberate and intentional with each shot, creating a set of images that truly capture the essence and beauty of the moment.

I'm always looking for ways to push the boundaries, explore different mediums and challenge my creative processes. Shooting on film allows me to slow down and be more intentional with each shot, resulting in images that are truly one-of-a-kind. I hope these images inspire you to appreciate the unique feel and beauty of film photography, and to perhaps consider it as an option for capturing special moments in your own life.


Katherine & Ben


Gwen & Jae